
I’m Emma, and I write here about books I’ve read. Some of my favourite authors are Susanna Clarke, Erin Morgenstern, Natasha Pulley, Robin Hobb, Neil Gaiman and Emily St John Mandel – but I’ll pick up anything with any of the below:

  • an immersive setting
  • characterisation that feels real
  • fun magic, unusual magical creatures, witches
  • a recommendation from a friend
  • a beautiful cover
  • prose that makes me see the world afresh, or makes me jealous I didn’t write it.

My aspirations in life have in no way been linear – but it’s safe to say that ‘making stories’ has always been one. I have had long-form non-fiction published on various media platforms as part of a little collaborative freelance gang back around 2014-16, but much of my fiction work is currently still hidden safe in the laptop with filenames like ‘NaNo third attempt’, ‘untitled’ and ‘a dramatic thing maybe’… That said, I am working hard to get my current projects as good as they can possibly be, and would love to be published one day.

Beware! When I have emotions, or wine, I tend to write poetry.

Sometimes I draw things too. You can see some of those things here.

Thank you for visiting!